Hi Tom,
I remember that I have watched the Gizmo video last year and that raised the question about orthogonality.
Many of the 'problem' machine owners are Mach users, hopefully I can convert some 'souls' to buy KFlop.
I will come back if the local CNC community has more questions.
I am aware of what is best that is fix it mechanically but in one case it is not doable as the machine is built with small errors.
--- In
DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Bengt,
> Â
> KMotionCNC has such a thing. See:
> Â
http://www.dynomotion.com/Help/KMotionCNC/ToolSetupScreenFiles.htm#Geo_File> Â
> It allows you to define a grid of points over your travel and correct for xy distortion as well as to make the plane flat in z. But a simple "grid" of only 4 points could be used to correct orthogonality.Â
> Â
> We added it mainly for nonlinear systems such as our "Gizmo". See:
> Â
http://dynomotion.com/Videos/Gizmo.wmv> Â
> In this case non-linear Kinematics (see Kinematics3Rod.cpp) were used to make the CAD space fairly linear. But it is very difficult to define the equations and Kinematic parameters well enough to make the CAD space perfect. So a geometric correction grid is used for any fine correction.  Between
grid points a bi-linear interpolation method is used. In your case a simple single grid (4 points) may be enough. Â
> Â
> There is also a feature in KMotionCNC that will automatically build the table for you if you have a "perfect" square that you can measure with the machine. By moving the tool to each of the 4 points and pushing the "measure" button on KMotionCNC. You must first setup the measurement file with the number of rows and columns (2 in this case) and the spacing in x and y.
> Â
> If you are interested we can look at it in more detail.
> Â
> This correction is only applied with KMotionCNC and not for Mach3.
> Â
> Regards
> TK
> Â
> Â
> --- On Mon, 6/13/11, Bengt Sjoelund <cnc@...> wrote:
> From: Bengt Sjoelund <cnc@...>
> Subject:
[DynoMotion] Not square
> To:
DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> Date: Monday, June 13, 2011, 5:38 AM
> Â
> Hi Tom,
> We have some discussions on local forums here in Sweden as how to correct X/Y not in 90° square, i.e. Part drawn in CAD comes out slightly rhombic.
> Question raised as some machines cannot be fixed mechanically.
> Is there a way of correcting this in KFlop if a file with say Point-cloud is done probing the X/Y?
> CAM folks say that is not doable as if any kind of compensation is applied like G68 - scaling - mirroring the correction is useless.
> And I believe the same is with Mach3 Formulas.
> Cheers